
How to enrol your child at Bagdad Primary School

To enrol your child, firstly ensure that your local school is Bagdad Primary School. You can do this by visiting DECYP - Enrolling your child at school and DECYP - Find Your Local Primary School. If you are in our area then please contact our school office.

Our administration staff will take you through the enrolment process which will include:

  • Completion of enrolment form
  • Medical information about your child, such as any allergies and their immunisation history, as well as any other needs.
  • Evidence of identity for you and your child, for example your birth certificates.
  • A document showing your child’s residential address.
  • Book in a time for a visit to the school and tour.

Out of Area Enrolments

If you want to enrol your child in a school that is not your local school anywhere in Tasmania, the Out of Area Enrolment Procedure will apply. As per DECYP Out of Area Enrolment Procedures you will be notified in writing upon the school recieving required documentation. Please visit Enrolling your child at school - Department for Education, Children and Young People for more information on Out of Area Enrolments.

Bagdad Primary School – Enrolment Supporting Information

DECYP - Enrolment Supporting Information